meh als gmües

Die Gemüsegenossenschaft in Zürich Nord

meh als gmües-EN

Hello! Glad you found your way here. We are happy to foster our English speaking community.

As we are still translating the pages to English, you will find many pages only in German. Please contact us at if you have further questions on “meh als gmües”, how it works and how you can become a member.

Your CSA

in Zurich North

Meh als Gmües is not just our name, but our philosophy as well. We produce vegetables all year round cooperatively. With our farm development plan 2025, we have laid the foundation for more capacities in the implementation of biodiversity, local supply and community. Our cooperative sees itself also as an essential pillar of the future urban development.

If you want to be part of this development and enjoy fresh and organically produced vegetables every week, become a member now. To do this, you purchase share certificates. That allows you to then sign up for a share of the harvest.

The “AS”

Share Certificates

The share certificates finance the means of production. They form the equity base of the cooperative, which gives external investors the security to invest in the development of the local structures as well. Currently, for the stable development of the farm, an average of five AS should be acquired per EAT at the rate of CHF 250 each.

As with the harvest share, we also want to keep the hurdle low for economically disadvantaged members. Only a single AS is required to acquire an EAT.

In case of cancellation you will receive the deposited money back at the end of the season – it is only invested and not spent.

The “EAT”

Harvest Share

Our harvest is divided by the number of members and delivered every Friday to three pickup locations (Reckenholzstrasse 150, Mehr als Wohnen and ABZ Jasminweg) and can be collected there until Saturday. In diverse work activities, the members help on 20 hours a year per EAT. Activities include sowing, working in the greenhouses, harvesting and many other activities.

With an average income, an annual operating contribution of 1000 CHF is recommended.

To enable members with lower financial means to participate, there is an EAT for as little as 800 CHF per year and those who can and want to support the cooperative idea more strongly pay 1200 CHF.